
Timeline notation

You’ll see diagrams like this:

stream1: -a-b-c-d->

stream2: -a--b---c|

stream3: -abc-def-X

These are timeline diagrams that try to give a simple, representative notion of how a stream behaves over time. Time proceeds from left to right, using letters and symbols to indicate certain things:

  • letters (a,b,c,d,etc) - an event that occurs at a particular time

  • - - a time when no event occurs

  • | - event stream ended

  • X - an error occurred

  • > - stream continues infinitely

    • Typically, > means you can assume that events will continue to repeat some common pattern infinitely


stream: a|

a occurs at time 0 and then the event stream ends immediately.

stream: a-b---|

a occurs at time 0, b at time 2, and the event stream ends at time 6.

stream: a-b-X

a occurs at time 0, b at time 2, and the event stream fails at time 4.

stream: abc-def->

An event stream where:

  • a occurs at time 0, b at time 1, and c at time 2

  • no events occur at time 3

  • d occurs at time 4, e at time 5, and f at time 6

  • no events occur at time 7

  • the pattern continues infinitely, repeating a similar pattern

Functions and Types

You’ll see function signatures like this:

numberToString :: Number -> String

This is Haskell-like notation for a function which:

  • is named numberToString

  • takes a Number

  • returns a String


Here’s a more realistic example:

map :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b

This is a function which:

  • is named map

  • has 2 type parameters a and b

  • takes 2 arguments

    • another function with signature (a -> b)

    • an event stream with events of type a

  • returns an event stream with events of type b